PSVR Improvements and Feedback

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  DaDunt37 5 years, 5 months ago.

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    It was nice to play for around 1.5hrs in PSVR.

    Yesterday the screen just got stuck when you entered the multiplayer match

    Right in the lobby itself. The scene just froze

    Today it got solved 22nd Sep 2018.


    1. Lag / Nausea
    There is a huge amount of motion sickness
    I have played Farpoint for many hours and there is no nausea. So basically and technically it means that the Frame Rate and the movement or the head is not matching up or fast enough. There is a lag. You need to correct it somehow

    As I have read in detail the cause of nausea and motion sickness in VR environment is due to mismatch of what you are doing vs what you are seeing. If you move your head right left and your sceen has some lag. Then the sensory system gets confused. Yes you may not feel the lag in plain sight. But it’s all about milli seconds and all that. Basic idea is to improve the lag.

    2. Get out of VR mode while playing.
    So that when you are done playing VR mode but you want to continue playing with the same team.

    VR mode in and out should be an option

    3. Does VR not have the zoom or aim key? Like zoom and aim to shoot better. As the thing is I felt disadvantage comparing to having a aim/zoom option to shoot better. Just a suggestion.

    4. The music non stop was really 1 more cause of headache. Yes I shut it after a while. Maybe it’s too repetitive and too WAR like. You really can’t take it for hours n hours. Suggestion to have some soothing music after initial drum roll entry of the game inside the arena. Or somehow auto fade out music for sometime and comes back after a while.

    5. Love the maps. Very interesting to see so many objects. Likes water, ships. All war like element’s.

    How to throw the grenade in VR.

    Anyways I was playing with Aim controller

    I have 2 move controllers too

    And 2 DS4.

    I played with just the Aim controller only

    Thanks for now.



    I agree that the music gets really old. So what if you could load your own music off a USB flash drive? Other games, like Harmonix Music VR have done it. Nothing would make the game more enjoyable than having my own soundtrack too.

    As far as motion sickness, I experienced it pretty bad on the first day, but never since then. That said, I do feel some lag when turning, I definitely need to take breaks more often with this game than other VR games.



    I too had bad sickness the 1st session! The 2nd session I found the motion slider and turned it to max problem solved no sickness at all then with a update you changed the movement speed and made it slower, slight sickness feeling again, so my thoughts are that when I’m sprinting it feels like I’m not moveing fast enough and leaves me feeling frustrated/sick.
    Also I feel like I’m too tall or that the ground is not at ground level I’m 5ft9” and feel like I’m way over 6ft when in VR so I don’t know how small people feel when playing in VR but even when standing still I got vertigo feeling.



    By the way. When I play even Farpoint and I have zero sickness. Is because I turn on normal turning not step by step. Also I turn off blindness.or that black circle when you turn. I turn that off .basically I move in the vr world just like I move in real life. That’s ok with me the blinders give me less vision and no fun. About the movement slider yes. I increase the speed to full as I was too slow in VR world compared to non vr. Which gives me the disadvantage to keep myself alive for long time. That said yes. That is kinda 1 reason for motion sickness as you are running fast and getting dizzy. Anyways compared to other VR games even in those I run and move fast without sickness. So it’s suppose to be some other technical glitch like motion to refresh rate issue.

    Thank you guys for the feedback. I am sure the devs are working on these and will be corrected soon.

    Because 1. This game is graphically kinda not very graphic heavy . The characters are blocky design. And not heavy. All scenery is also just 128 bit kinda look so I hope there should not be an issue rendering in real time. Ps4 is capable of a lot more.



    Reggie Strange

    Thanks for all the feedback. We’ll post updates as we make progress on things.



    I did experience this once when I spawned in to a game. It was weird!
    I think I spawned in for the first time in a match, and it did not make me
    hit the option button. From that I felt really Drunk.
    But I was also a little Drunk.
    So I felt really Drunk!
    So I hit the options button and it cleared right up.

    So if a new user logs in to the game for the first time and this happens, it puts a negative impression of the game.

    But yeah, this game is perfect, release the Kraken!!!!!

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