PSVR Feedback October

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  DaDunt37 5 years, 5 months ago.

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    Hi guys! You asked me on Twitter to post over here, so here I am! So far this is shaping up to be a great game! I am having great fun with it and that’s saying something. Just keep it simple and easily accessible and you’ve got a winner!
    Now for my issues and suggestions:

    For people experiencing “too tall” or “too short” and motion sickness- the first thing they should do is use the eye measurement tool in the PS4 Devices- PSVR settings. This will affect all the PSVR games. Even though it doesn’t seem like a big deal, it is. It makes you “look” taller or shorter and can cause slight continual strain on the eyes.

    Yes, in larger matches the frames do drop. It’s very noticeable, but I’m sure that’s already being worked on. It’s the glimpse of “infinity” at the edges of the field of view that get disorienting.

    Now for the Move controllers: So far the game I have played that has best adapted the control scheme is Skyrim VR. The left controller Move button moves forward. Backing up is mapped to its own button (X?) and the turn buttons are X and O on the right. Turning while on horseback is done more easily with steering of the left hand like “neck reigning” a horse.
    As of last night H&D’s Move controls were not working to turn. When I went into the options and settings, the controller would make all the sliders move all the way to the left just by “scrolling over” them. This messed up all the settings and was difficult to reset.
    Using the left controller to steer would only allow me to strafe. The turn buttons on the right controller didn’t work.
    Quickly tapping a button to jump and holding the same button to crouch seems to be the way Skyrim does it, and it works pretty well.
    I suggest maybe canning the dual wielding pistols and two handed aiming for Move controllers. Changing between “modes” feels very clunky and overly complicated. Sure, it isn’t realistic to hold a rifle with one hand, but it’s a minor detail to worry about for the sake of ease and fun.
    Basic right handed mapping ideas:
    LEFT controller
    Move- forward.
    X- reverse
    Circle- jump/crouch
    Triangle- grenade
    RIGHT controller
    Trigger -fire
    Move- scope/sights (the gun slides up into position and stays as long as the button is held)
    X- turn left
    Circle- turn right
    Triangle- change weapons (only knife, pistol and rifle. Cycle through)
    Square- action (revive, etc)

    The left square is still open for whatever, and this is just a rough idea of what I think would work for me.

    The new mode has potential. It is confusing in its current state as it’s unclear what counts as kills to allow you back into the ring. But, oddly enough this gave me an idea that would be a huge amount of fun if done correctly.
    I decided to just run to players trying to shoot me and I only used a knife. This was incredibly fun, especially when I trapped them in buildings. I had a “Friday the 13th Jason” vibe going on, and it fits since it’s near Halloween. I wonder if you can make a mode like that on purpose?

    So far that’s it for now. I’m sure you know about most of the other issues. Just keep things simple and fun and you have a real winner here!


    Reggie Strange

    Thanks for all the feedback! I didn’t get a chance to respond to much this past week but now that the beta is over, I’m able to respond to everyone and gather up the comments. Yes, the framerate was pretty bad at the start but got a little better after a few patches. It’s our top priority and we’ve already made some progress there. Thanks for reporting the problem with the sliders, we’ll get that fixed. Thanks for the detailed info on Skyrim’s controls. It seems like everyone likes their scheme the best and we’re planning to get rid of the two modes and just go with a single move control scheme. We’re planning to drop the 2 handed holding of the rifles so hopefully that along with the single mode, the Moves will be much easier to use. Yea, unfortunately we didn’t have time to do a proper tutorial on the BR mode. We’re making a number of changes to that mode and are planning to let people to choose that separately from regular battle modes.

    Thanks again for all the feedback!



    you customization of the AIM controller is perfect.
    I like how you can change it all up to suit your style of play.

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