Honor and Duty VR! Suggestions / Requests / Fixes.

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  King Crew 5 years, 7 months ago.

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    I first want to give a shout out to everyone at Strange Games Studios for releasing this update! Got into a few multiplayer matches last night in VR with the AIM and was having a *ton* of fun! We finally have a Team Multiplayer shooter for the PSVR, and it’s a blast to play. Also began running through the storyline and was enjoying the gameplay there too. There just aren’t enough games out there that utilize the AIM controller yet, and this game does a wonderful job with it.
    Below are some initial suggestions / requests / fixes that I compiled from reading and hearing other players as they first jumped into H&D:AE VR. Some are probably quick touch-ups that will probably make their way into future patches, and some are more in the line of suggestions and things I and many other players would like to see, if at all possible!

    Suggestions / Requests:
    – Rumble feedback for both Aim and DS4. (Suggested by some on the AMA already and you’ve mentioned that it will be coming!)
    – Joystick swapping for left handed players. (This comes up *a lot* in the FPS VR games, especially for users of the AIM controller, and it looks like you’re addressing this in the first patch. Great news!)
    – Walking joystick click-to-activate run option in settings – instead of hold-to-run. (This was mentioned by quite a few players in the initial VR release streams, and after playing for a little while I couldn’t agree more! Holding the joystick down tires out the thumb quickly, and a quick click-to-run that deactivates once the player stops moving would be a *much appreciated* addition.)
    – Game mode types in Multiplayer, along the lines of CTF / FFA / Seek and Destroy. (This is something that will keep players interested and engaged for a longer period of time. Something that may take some time to code / develop, but will help with the longevity and enjoyment of H&D multiplayer in the continuing months!)
    – Private matches / rooms in Multiplayer. (Want to play 2v2 with a few friends? Having the option to create a private room with a simple password or invite-only option would be great fun for these situations.)
    – Team select, or party select for the multiplayer maps. (I often play with my brother, but didn’t actually see any way for us to party-up and *then* join games. I do see how this could be problematic, with some players performing much better than the others, but it gives us another level of competition when we can choose our teams and face off against friends in competitive battles.)
    – With the last point, it would also be nice to have a somewhat *lobby* or team selection screen when you do select a multiplayer game to join – or in between games. (Right now it’s enter / create and you’re instantly spawned in.) This gives players a chance to chat / strategize / bs in between and before starting rounds. Perhaps allow players to select their class / starting weapon here as well. It *could* have a ready-up option for each player, or a host activated start button, or just a good 1+ minute(s) between each round (I think it’s currently sitting at 12-15 seconds?)
    – Rotating spawn locations, and multiple spawn points for each team. (This came up *quickly* in the multiplayer matches, where one team would just spawn camp the other. Matches were left early, and the team whose spawn was being camped quickly got bored with the game and left. Right now it’s just *too* easy to spawn camp. It’s understandable why it is the way it is right now, as players need to buy their guns and ammo – and you need a crate to do that. One way that this could be approached is having the option to buy ammo *as* a player spawns in, on the black screen where they can choose class / gun right now – and then spawn them randomly in the level away from enemy players. But, still having the crates where they are so that a player can run there and switch / restock during each match.
    – Game select in the Multiplayer screen appears to not be working correctly, it simply bumps your cursor back to the left menu. (I believe you mentioned fixing this one in the first patch, which is great!)
    – I would *love* an option to reduce the opacity of the multiplayer / in-game HUD. (The HUD takes up a fair bit of the screen, and makes it difficult to spot enemies and players in the heat-of-battle. A HUD opacity slider in the settings to reduce / increase the opacity of the HUD elements would be wonderful, with the lowest option perhaps making it entirely invisible / off. Or just a few selectable levels of opacity, if the slider is difficult to implement.)

    Fixes :
    – The handgun barrel doesn’t seem to line up properly with the Aim barrel. It appears that the in-game handgun is pointed downward by some degrees, so to aim it properly the player needs to point the AIM gun upwards. Perhaps this was just my tracking, but I’d need to hear back from other players to see if this is across the board. (Seems like a bug that could be fixed with some tweaking to the gun model when used with the AIM).
    – Crouch doesn’t activate in multiplayer right now. (I believe you mentioned that this will be fixed in the first patch, and awesome to hear!)
    – Right now enemy / player models in multiplayer are at times looking in wacky directions, and not the direction they’re actually facing. They aren’t looking down their guns and facing towards you, so you can’t actually tell where they’re focused. (This one makes multiplayer pretty tough. Often I’ll run around the corner and find a guy staring at the ground, or up into the sky, but you die by their bullets. It definitely adds a degree of guessing, and sort of ruins the fluidity of the game when character models aren’t displaying properly or looking in the correct direction.)
    – I found that while playing multiplayer, my headset view / HUD would sometimes begin to jitter. It’s as if the gyros became extra sensitive and began picking up even the smallest movements. It was *extra* noticeable when the menus popped up, and when looking at the HUD. (I’m not sure where this would fall, or what systems it would fall in, but it felt as though it definitely lost stabilization. It would often disappear after a little while, but was disorienting when it did appear).
    – Some of the gun models don’t appear to have their center-of-axis / tracking along the barrel, but instead somewhere in the middle of the weapon model. (I noticed this when rotating the aim controller side-to-side along the horizontal axis. When the AIM was level, the barrel of the in-game-gun was lined up with the barrel of the AIM gun, making tracking and aiming wonderful! But, when I rotated the AIM 90° to the right, so that it was horizontal but still facing forward, the in-game gun barrel was noticeably farther to the right than the AIM barrel [almost as if rotating the AIM to the right pushed the gun model farther to the right or something] The weapon I noticed this with was the gun whose clip enters into the side of the weapon at a 90° angle from the left. This isn’t really a game-breaking issue by any means, because the standard aiming and firing works great as-is.)
    – The hit-boxes on the Engineer class seem to be difficult to actually hit. I didn’t test this in Multiplayer yet, as I didn’t encounter anyone using the Engineer class yet, but in single player it seemed as though far more bullets simply missed the engineer more than any other class. It may just be that being so skinny helps them to dodge a larger portion of bullets though.
    – In some cases on the mountain map, it seemed as though bullets were travelling through some of the rocks / terrain where they shouldn’t be. It didn’t always happen, but I did encounter it happening in some areas, such as the forward facing rocks at one of the spawn points.

    Not sure if I covered everything, but these are a few things from the initial impression. I’ll definitely be jumping in first thing after work today to get some more shooting in!




    Requests Update:

    – Other players have mentioned that the clothing / uniform color variation is a bit close in multiplayer and can be difficult to tell apart from a distance. Team mates names above their head in multiplayer might be a good way to fix this, as the enemies wouldn’t have visible names, or a slightly different color variation.
    – It would be great if there was some sort of notification / sound / display that let you know when you got a kill in Multiplayer. Something that pops up in the bottom of your HUD that says “Killed [Player_Name]” or “+1 Kill” maybe in colored lettering that fades out over a second or so. Right now the kill tracker up in the corner of the HUD increases each time, but that’s not very noticeable and I can never really tell if I got a kill or if the player died by someone else’s gun.


    Reggie Strange

    Thanks for all the feedback. We’re a bit overwhelmed at the moment with feedback so I don’t have time for a detailed response. Just know that we read everything and are incorporating a lot of things people are suggesting. There will be a number of fixes coming in the next few days so stay tuned and definitely let us know what you want to see. Thanks!


    King Crew

    It is interesting to read your blog post and I am going to share it with my friends.

    Herbew Fentos

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